1 Department of Geography & Environmental Studies,
University of New Mexico
2 Community Environmental Health
Program, College of Pharmacy, University of New Mexico Health Sciences
3 Department of Environmental Science, University
of Arizona
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide versatile tools for uncovering spatial patterns of public health and environmental justice (EJ) issues at multiple scales within the exposome.There are many open-source GIS platforms that allow for cost-effective and equitable integration of GIS tools into data analysis workflows. With open-source GIS, public health researchers can effectively collaborate and easily share reproducible methodologies and findings, helping to foster more inclusive and innovative approaches to cross-cutting health challenges.
In this workshop, you will be introduced to open-source GIS using R, as well as techniques for leveraging GIS tools and spatial data to advance public health research related to the plural environmental health effects of climate change in EJ communities. By participating in this workshop, you will learn the basics of GIS data-structures, loading and visualizing spatial data, and spatial relationships in regression analyses.
Modeling, at its most simple, is to use of mathematics and statistical assumptions on sample data to make predictions about the real world. Geospatial modeling adds the assumption that spatial patterns in the data and locations of observations can uncover relationships that may otherwise go missed. Geospatial modeling has applications in diverse topics from the analysis of geomorphic features and physical processes to logistics and supply chains. One domain of study that can be enhanced through geospatial modeling is public health and epidemology, in which associations between health outcomes and predictor variables can be viewed as inherently spatial processes. To understand the nuance of geospatial modeling as it relates to public health, we must first go over the distinction between global and local models.
Modeling approaches that don’t explicitly account for spatial relationships, but rather weight every observation the same regardless of its spatial location are referred to here as global. On the other hand, local models also consider spatial relationships between observations as an important explanatory variable. A global model considers the relationships between all dependent and independent variables across the entire study extent, with the assumption that observed relationships hold true at all locations within the extent. The implications of these assumptions are that data from different locations within a model can be used with equal weighting, allowing for the estimation of a single parameter for each relationship being modeled. Geographers have pointed out for some time that the assumptions of global models have flaws, especially when examining complex relationships. In certain cases, spatial relationships act as lurking variables that drastically change the direction of \(\beta\) coefficients - this is an example of Simpson’s paradox in spatial relationships. Sachdeva and Fotheringham (2023) explore this in detail here.
In the context of spatial statistics, a local model considers the relationships between dependent and independent variables (or a sub-set of these variables) across a localized area of the study extent. We refer to these localized areas as ‘neighborhoods’. Local models assume that observed relationships only hold within the neighborhood, and may vary across neighborhoods. This allows for local models to potentially model processes that vary over space with greater accuracy. This is valuable in the realm of public health, in which associations between environmental exposure, human behavior, and health outcomes are complex and often present as non-linear, spatially heterogeneous relationships.
Geographically weighted regression (GWR) is a spatial regression technique that evaluates a local model of the variable or process you are trying to understand or predict by fitting a regression equation to every feature within a predetermined neighborhood in the dataset. While GWR is a local model, it does not assess the spatial scale at which processes may vary. In other words it assumes variance across an extent, but that all variances exist at the same spatial scale for every model term.
Multiscale geographically weighted regression (MGWR) builds upon the GWR technique by optimizing neighborhood sizes for each explanatory variable. This allows for the MGWR framework to examine both spatial variability and scalar effects simultaneously in local modeling.
Spatial autoregressive models (SAR) are one of the most common approaches for handling spatial autocorrelation in datasets. Generally, they utilize one of two techniques: 1) a spatial error model computes an error coefficient (\(\lambda\)) to test whether spatial error between terms is correlated, and 2) a spatial lag model introduces a spatial lag term \(\rho\) to test if th dependent variable is affected by multiple independent observations at different locations. These methods are most commonly conducted in the open source GIS package, GeoDa. Various other local spatial models include Bayesian Spatially Varying Coefficients Models, Spatial Filtering methods, and Spatially Clustered Coefficient models. Additionally, other kinds of modeling approaches, such as machine learning based models, can be used to assess spatial relationships in data. This workshop will focus on the MGWR framework, given its computational efficiency, robust support in R, and widespread use.
Spatial Autocorrelation is when data from locations near one another in space are more likely to be similar (i.e. are more correlated) than data from locations remote from one another. Spatial autocorrelation can be thought of as a double-edged sword. From a geographic perspective, we expect that raw data will show spatial autocorrelation, and use this to our advantage. For example, there is a notion in geography known as Tobler’s First Law of Geography, in which it is assumed that objects in space closer to each other are more likely to be related than objects that are farther apart. When examining processes that vary over space, we assume that data representing these processes will be non-randomly distributed (i.e. show spatial autocorrelation), and that in assessing these distributions through spatial statistics, we can infer otherwise hidden properties of the process.
In this workshop, we will measure the spatial autocorrelation of model residuals. If residuals are spatially autocorrelated then we can conclude that the given model is poorly specified by not attending to all spatial relationships between model terms. Local models do not necessarily account for all spatial autocorrelation in model residuals.
In this workshop, you will examine how rates of low-weight births (LWB) in Colorado relate to environmental pollution and socioeconomic covariates. Our main objective is to demonstrate how spatial relationships may be lurking variables in regression models.
Using this data, we will model the relationship between LWB and environmental pollution, corrected for social vulnerability variables using:
For each model we will examine model diagnostics, including:
Like most scripting languages, base R offers an array of basic commands for data manipulation and analysis. However, if you want to do anything more technical or esoteric, you have to download and install specialized packages.
\(\textbf{A note on R:}\) R is an extensive coding environment. It would be impossible to explain every command in this workshop. The intent of this workshop is to introduce you to performing spatial data-analysis in R, and give you to the background to learn and apply these techniques in your own research.
The open source community has designed “cheat sheets” for different R topics. Please refer to the Base R cheat sheet for descriptions of common commands and operators. In R Studio, you can navigate to Help>Cheatsheets to access all of them. There is also a wealth of community information online. A quick Google search can point toward solutions for many problems. Below we have provided basic information on key ideas and commands for this workshop:
variable - In R we define data-objects, such as a spreadsheet of SVI data per census tract, as a variable. Variables allow us to easily reference complex data objects in code functions.
$ (extractor operator) - The $ is the extractor operator. It is used to reference specific variables in a data table or object.
<- (assignment operator) - The <- is the assignment operator. This can be thought of as an ‘=’ (equals). We use the assignment operator to define variables.
%>% (pipe operator) - The %>% is the pipe operator. This is a way to chain operations together (i.e. ‘pipe’ information). It takes the output from the left of the pipe and passes it to an expression on the right. For example, we can use the pipe to take the data-object represented by a variable, and input (‘pipe’) this into a function. Pipes are not a part of base R, which is why we call in the dplyr library.
Data Frame - Tables of data in R are referred to as ‘data frames’. This is basically a data-object that acts like a spreadsheet, in which columns are variables/fields and rows are observations.
Both code chunks below load the necessary packages to complete the workshop. If you have installed all of the required packages, skip the first chunk and run the second one by clicking on the green arrow in the top right corner of the chunk. If you need to install any libraries, un-comment any or all of the lines below by removing the #. (*Hint: you can comment or un-comment lines by selecting them and pressing Ctrl+Shift+C.)
## Installing libraries
## If you don't have any of the required packages installed, un-comment and run the necessary lines
# install.packages("GWmodel")
# install.packages("ggplot2")
# install.packages("GGally")
# install.packages("gridExtra")
# install.packages("tmap")
# install.packages("dplyr")
# install.packages("sf")
# install.packages("stringr")
# install.packages("tidyverse")
# install.packages("Hmisc")
# install.packages('car')
# install.packages('Rtools')
# install.packages('nortest')
# install.packages('spdep')
Even if you’ve downloaded and installed the necessary libraries, they haven’t been called directly into the current R environment. This step is required for running the functions throughout the workshop.
This workshop uses the datasets below, all of which contain data aggregated to census tracts in Colorado:
\(\textbf{Outcome:}\) 2018 rate of low weight births (LWB) provided in the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Open Data portal.
\(\textbf{Main Exposure:}\) 10-year average (2008 - 2018) of total releases in pounds from Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) facilities within 50 kilometers of population-weighted census tract centroids in Colorado.
\(\textbf{Covariates:}\) Estimated proportions of census tract-level social vulnerability from the 2018 ATSDR-CDC Social Vulnerability Index.
Here is a summary of all variables we will use for this analysis:
- 2018 Adjusted rate of low weight births
(LWB) by census tract in ColoradoavgReleasesLb_10yr
- 10-year average (2008-2018) of
total toxic releases in lbs. within 50-km of population-weighted census
tract centroidsRPL_THEME1
- Percentile ranking by census tract of SVI
socioeconomic status theme (described below)RPL_THEME2
- SVI household characteristics themeRPL_THEME3
- SVI minority status and language
- SVI housing type and transportation
themeRaw data is imported in the form of spreadsheets, in which observations have location identifiers. We then put this data into a GIS environment and spatialize it by joining the data to spatial objects. For this workshop we will use vector data. Vector data can simply be thought of as polygons (shapes) with location information. In other words, areas projected onto the surface of the Earth. For this workshop we will use vector data in shapefile format. In the case of this workshop, these shapes represent the census tracts of the state of Colorado. By joining the raw data to census tracts, we can use spatial statistics to analyze the spatial relationships within the data.
Shapefiles are a data format for storing geometry and attribute information of a spatial dataset. Notice that we only read in one file with a .shp extension, but that the file directory ./Tracts contains 7 items with the same name but different extensions. All of these files are necessary for GIS software to read and display a .shp.
tl_2010_08_tract10.shp is a product of the U.S. Census Bureau called the TIGER/Line Shapefiles (TIGER stands for Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system.)
We will use the sf, or
Simple Features, library to import the shapefile of census tracts and
name it dat_tracts
. We then draw a very basic map just to
ensure that it is rendering correctly. Run the code chunk below by
clicking on the green arrow in the top right of the chunk.
Reading layer `tl_2010_08_tract10' from data source
`C:\Users\Daniel Beene\OneDrive - University of New Mexico\00000_Spring2024\PEPH 2024\MGWR-workshop\Tracts\tl_2010_08_tract10.shp'
using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 1249 features and 12 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: -109.0603 ymin: 36.99242 xmax: -102.0409 ymax: 41.00344
Geodetic CRS: NAD83
# Plot shapefile with base R - this is just to check that it renders correctly
plot(dat_tracts, col="#333333", lwd=0.25, border=0, max.plot = 1)
Next, we will use base R to read in the CSV of exposure data and name
it dat_tri
. The first thing we need to do after importing
the CSV data table is ensure that the census tract ID (GEOID) is the
correct length. Some states have a GEOID that begins with 0, Colorado
being one of them (08). The problem is that CSV files will often remove
the leading 0 in numbers. Since all GEOIDs are standardized by the US
Census to a length of 11 characters \(^1\), here we make sure that every GEOID in
the table is 11 characters long by padding them with a 0 on the left
dat_tri <- read.csv('./Exposure/avgReleases_tract_popCenter_50km_CO_2008-2018.csv')
# Pad GEOID to 11 characters
dat_tri$GEOID10 <- str_pad(dat_tri$GEOID10, width = 11, side = "left", pad = 0)
# unique(nchar(dat_tri$GEOID10)) # Un-comment this line if you want to check if padding worked
All GEOIDs are 11 characters long. Note: if this says something other than 11 make sure the chunk above is running correctly.
This data table contains 2018 SVI data aggregated to census tracts.
We first read in the data table and define it as a variable
, and format to pad GEOIDs (called ‘FIPS’ in the SVI
dataset)\(^1\) as done in Step 2. Next,
we pipe the svi
variable into a filtering function
‘filter()’, to filter out data that is not located with Colorado census
tracts, and define this filtered data as a new variable
. Next, we convert missing values (-999) to
NA; this will make it easier to exclude missing values from
statistical analysis later on. Lastly, we pipe the svi_sub
variable into the select() function to select only fields that
start with “RPL_THEME”, and overwrite the svi_sub
with this selection.
There are four RPL_THEME variables in the 2018 SVI. These are the summary percentile rankings by census tract of variables included in four themes generally related to social vulnerability:
\(^1\) You will often see FIPS and GEOID used interchangeably. This is technically incorrect. Per the US Census Bureau, Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) codes are 5-digit county subdivisions. A GEOID is a concatenation of codes for state, county, and census tract, totaling 11 characters.
svi <- read.csv('./Confounders/SVI_2018_US.csv') # SVI data for all census tracts in US
svi$FIPS <- str_pad(svi$FIPS, width = 11, side = "left", pad = 0) # Pad GEOIDs so that they are all 11 characters long
# unique(nchar(svi$FIPS))
svi_sub <- svi %>%
filter(ST_ABBR %in% c("CO")) # Subset SVI to only include tracts in Colorado
svi_sub[svi_sub == -999] <- NA # Missing values are coded as -999, here we replace -999 with NA
# Keep percentage, percentile, theme ranking, flag variables, and total population
svi_sub <- svi_sub %>%
dplyr::select(FIPS, starts_with(c("RPL_THEME")))
# unique(nchar(svi_sub$FIPS))
All GEOIDs in the SVI dataset are 11 characters long.
Note: if this says something other than 11 make sure the chunk above is running correctly.
This data table contains health outcome data aggregated to census
tracts. We first read in the data table and define it as a variable
. Next, we select the fields we need (GEOID and any
variables related to LWB) and define this selection as a new variable
. Lastly, we again format to pad the GEOIDs as done in
steps 2 and 3.
outcome <- read.csv('./Outcome/CDPHE_Composite_Selected_Health_Outcome_Dataset_(Census_Tract).csv')
lwb <- outcome[, c(2, 26:32)] # Subset to only include low birthweight variables and GEOID
lwb$TRACT_FIPS <- str_pad(lwb$TRACT_FIPS, width = 11, side = "left", pad = 0) # Pad GEOIDs so that they are all 11 characters long
# unique(nchar(lwb$TRACT_FIPS))
All GEOIDs in the LWB dataset are 11 characters long.
Note: if this says something other than 11 make sure the chunk above is running correctly.
Join the formatted data tables of TRI releases (exposure), SVI
confounders, and LWB (outcome) to the census tract shapefile, creating a
combined spatial dataset. This combined dataset will then be ready to be
fed into statistical models. However, since attribute joins can’t be
performed on a large SpatialPolygonsDataframe directly, we first convert
into a normal data frame, allowing us to perform
join operations.
We define the converted shapefile as new variable
, then we pipe the census tracts into a series of
join functions right_join(), joining the TRI, SVI, and LWB data
tables to create a combined table. We overwrite dat_full
with the new combined data table. Next, we create a subset of the
dataset and define as a new variable global_dat
for use in
the global linear regression model.
Optional: after you finish the workshop, come back to this step and follow instructions in the code comments to investigate how removing potential outliers affects results.
Next, we convert dat_full
back into spatial format for
use in spatial statistical models. Lastly, we return a summary of
to make sure data was joined properly (reference
the finished HTML document to make sure your summary looks correct).
# Combine data tables
# Join data using the dplyr library - this doesn't work on SpatialPolygonDataFrame data types, so convert first
dat_full <- st_as_sf(dat_tracts)
dat_full <- dat_full %>%
right_join(dat_tri, by = c("GEOID10" = "GEOID10")) %>% # Exposure
right_join(lwb, by = c("GEOID10" = "TRACT_FIPS")) %>% # Outcome
right_join(svi_sub, by = c("GEOID10" = "FIPS")) # Confounders
# Create a subset for global models
global_dat <- dat_full %>%
# select(GEOID10, avgReleasesLb_10yr, LWB_ADJRATE, E_TOTPOP, starts_with("EP_")) # Keep total population estimate (E_TOTPOT) and land area (ALAND10) for later reference
select(GEOID10, avgReleasesLb_10yr, LWB_ADJRATE, starts_with("RPL_"))
global_dat <-
data.frame(global_dat[, 1:8]
# %>% # To only keep certain observations, uncomment this line and move the pipe (%>%) up to the line above
# # Only retain observations we're analyzing
# slice(
# -659
# )
dat_full <- as(na.omit(dat_full), "Spatial") # Convert dat_full back to spatial - we will use this for the spatial models
Object of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
min max
x -109.06026 -102.04158
y 36.99242 41.00344
Is projected: FALSE
proj4string : [+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs]
Data attributes:
Length:1201 Length:1201 Length:1201 Length:1201
Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character
Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Length:1201 Length:1201 Length:1201 Length:1201
Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character
Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Min. :1.556e+05 Min. : 0 Length:1201 Length:1201
1st Qu.:1.932e+06 1st Qu.: 0 Class :character Class :character
Median :3.449e+06 Median : 5172 Mode :character Mode :character
Mean :1.879e+08 Mean : 858774
3rd Qu.:1.919e+07 3rd Qu.: 157285
Max. :9.748e+09 Max. :73093771
avgReleasesLb_10yr LWB_ADJRATE LWB_L95CI LWB_U95CI
Min. : 0 Min. : 0.000 Min. : 0.000 Min. : 0.00
1st Qu.: 4893 1st Qu.: 5.800 1st Qu.: 2.710 1st Qu.: 8.89
Median : 5013 Median : 7.190 Median : 3.910 Median :10.73
Mean : 25259 Mean : 7.421 Mean : 4.057 Mean :11.31
3rd Qu.: 13070 3rd Qu.: 8.840 3rd Qu.: 5.240 3rd Qu.:13.14
Max. :613759 Max. :25.000 Max. :12.680 Max. :45.74
Min. :7.43 Min. :7.34 Min. :7.52 Length:1201
1st Qu.:7.43 1st Qu.:7.34 1st Qu.:7.52 Class :character
Median :7.43 Median :7.34 Median :7.52 Mode :character
Mean :7.43 Mean :7.34 Mean :7.52
3rd Qu.:7.43 3rd Qu.:7.34 3rd Qu.:7.52
Max. :7.43 Max. :7.34 Max. :7.52
Min. :0.0004 Min. :0.0012 Min. :0.0228 Min. :0.0000
1st Qu.:0.1411 1st Qu.:0.1462 1st Qu.:0.2734 1st Qu.:0.1327
Median :0.3178 Median :0.3249 Median :0.4555 Median :0.3849
Mean :0.3690 Mean :0.3773 Mean :0.4735 Mean :0.4227
3rd Qu.:0.5792 3rd Qu.:0.5855 3rd Qu.:0.6658 3rd Qu.:0.6940
Max. :0.9998 Max. :0.9992 Max. :0.9654 Max. :0.9999
Min. :0.0001
1st Qu.:0.1159
Median :0.3017
Mean :0.3724
3rd Qu.:0.6155
Max. :0.9967
Before we pump the data into models, we’ll start by exploring pairwise relationships between them to assess whether there are any nonlinear relationships.
The code chunk below creates a correlation matrix plot of the
variables from our combined dataset. We first define a new variable
as a list of the variable names. Next, we create a
subset data table by selecting from global_dat
the list of
variables contained in vars
. Lastly, we pass this data to a
plotting function ggpairs() and define the output plot as
variable p_cor
, and print p_cor
to display it
below the code chunk.
# # Optional: Log-transform exposure variable
# global_dat <- global_dat %>%
# mutate(
# avgReleasesLb_10yr = log10(avgReleasesLb_10yr + 0.00001)
# )
# Plot correlation matrix of variables from the global model
vars <- c(
"avgReleasesLb_10yr", "RPL_THEME1", "RPL_THEME2", "RPL_THEME3", "RPL_THEME4"
# Create a subset of 'global_dat' with selected variables
global_dat_sub <- global_dat[, c("LWB_ADJRATE", vars)]
# Plot the correlation matrix using ggpairs
p_cor <- ggpairs(
upper = list(continuous = wrap("points", alpha = 0.2, size = 0.5)),
lower = list(continuous = "cor")
In the correlation matrix above, we don’t see any strongly nonlinear
relationships between explanatory variables, but we do see that the
exposure variable, avgReleasesLb_10yr
is very
right-skewed, meaning that the majority of observations are at or close
to 0. However, we won’t perform any transformations to the variables to
make interpretation and comparison of the three models more
If you want to try log-transforming the exposure variable, un-comment the top 5 lines in the chunk above and run the rest of the markdown file as normal. Be sure that you account for this in your interpretation.
We’ll start by fitting a global linear model to predict LWB rates by
census tract using our environmental exposure variable,
and 16 variables from the SVI.
In this code chunk we run an ordinary least squares linear
regression, with LWB rates as the dependent variable, TRI releases as
the exposure, and SVI variables as confounders. We first pass
through the linear model function,
lm(), and define the output of the model as
. Then we return a summary of
# Fit global model
lm_full <- lm(LWB_ADJRATE ~ avgReleasesLb_10yr + RPL_THEME1 + RPL_THEME2 + RPL_THEME3 + RPL_THEME4
, data = global_dat)
lm(formula = LWB_ADJRATE ~ avgReleasesLb_10yr + RPL_THEME1 +
RPL_THEME2 + RPL_THEME3 + RPL_THEME4, data = global_dat)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-8.6963 -1.4698 -0.1622 1.2064 18.2728
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 6.195e+00 1.815e-01 34.127 < 2e-16 ***
avgReleasesLb_10yr 5.240e-06 1.218e-06 4.303 1.82e-05 ***
RPL_THEME1 3.181e+00 4.672e-01 6.810 1.54e-11 ***
RPL_THEME2 -5.813e-01 3.310e-01 -1.756 0.0793 .
RPL_THEME3 1.452e-01 3.877e-01 0.374 0.7082
RPL_THEME4 1.668e-01 2.990e-01 0.558 0.5771
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 2.491 on 1195 degrees of freedom
(69 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared: 0.1127, Adjusted R-squared: 0.109
F-statistic: 30.37 on 5 and 1195 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Next, we will conduct a few diagnostics of the global model. There are many more possible diagnostics that aren’t presented here. For example, examining a) the leverage of individual observations and b) the individual contribution of variables with added-variable plots.
First, we plot the distribution of model residuals against a normal probabilistic distribution (a quantile-quantile, or QQ, plot) to see if the residuals demonstrate any unexpected patterns, and to identify any data points that exert increased influence on overall model fit.
In this chunk, we pass the residuals from lm_full
the car library function, qqPlot.
# QQ Plot
qq_lm_full <- qqPlot(residuals(lm_full), main = "QQ Plot", xlab = "Normal Quantiles", ylab = "Residuals")
641 1216
616 1169
The QQ plot does suggest that the model is somewhat poorly specified because a large proportion of residuals vs. normal values fall outside the standard error range at both the lower and upper bounds, suggesting some heteroskedasticity or kurtosis of model residuals.
If we were to proceed only with a linear model, we might consider taking measures including transforming data or excluding individual observations to account for this nonlinear structure.
Run the code chunk below to test for spatial autocorrelation in the residuals of our linear model.
We do this by first selecting the residuals from the model output and
defining the residuals as new variable lm_resid_col
. Next,
using row names as a key, we join the column of residuals to
The function below performs a Anselin Local Moran’s \(I\), which differs from the global Moran’s \(I\) test for spatial autocorrelation by computing the \(I\) statistic for every location, \(i\), as well as the local variance and \(z\) value, as opposed to a single \(I\) for the whole datset. Like the global approach, the local test tells us the degree of similarity between every observation and its neighbors, however it allows us to identify more localized clusters of (dis)similarity.
Once the data are joined we prepare for the test by constructing a
list of neighbors for every observation, nb
. Next we
compute spatial weights lw
for every neighbor to pass into
the Moran’s \(I\) test by
summing all residuals in each neighborhood divided by the number of
observations per neighborhood. Then we pass these parameters, along with
, to the moran.mc
to test for spatial autocorrelation over 999 permutations. Each
permutation randomly rearranges the neighborhood values around each
observation to account for the inevitable random clustering of
# Spatial autocorrelation of global linear model residuals
lm_resid_col <- lm_full$residuals # Make data table of residuals from lm_red_AIC
dat_full$residuals <- lm_resid_col[as.character(rownames(dat_full@data))] # Append residuals to dat_full by row name
nb <- poly2nb(dat_full, queen = TRUE) # Define neighbors for each polygon
lw <- nb2listw(nb, style = "U", zero.policy = TRUE) # Assign weights to neighbors
moran_lm <- moran.mc(dat_full$residuals
, lw
, nsim = 999
, alternative = "two.sided")
print(rbind("Moran's I statistic: " ,moran_lm$statistic))
[1,] "Moran's I statistic: "
[2,] "0.107918388173201"
[1,] "P-value of Moran's I statistic: "
[2,] "0"
The Moran’s \(I\) statistic of the linear model is 0.108 and the p-value is 0. Because the \(p-value\) is \(<0.05\), we can conclude at a 95% CI that the residuals are significantly spatially autocorrelated, meaning that there are significant spatial relationships in the data that are not reconciled by the current global model.
A key element of geographically weighted regressions is the spatial distance between observations. This is often measured as a straight line (Euclidean distance), but there are other approaches. For example, geodesic distance considers the curvature of the earth, which is appropriate when observations are very far apart
Run the below code chunk to calculate a distance matrix,
, between all observations in dat_full
. A
distance matrix is a matrix in which elements correspond to estimates of
a pairwise distance between the sequences in a set. This can be simply
though of as a measure of the distances between the locations of all of
our observations in our data table.
Bandwidth, or neighborhood size, is the most influential parameter in GWR because it can significantly change parameter estimates. Simply put, larger bandwidths have smaller parameter weights thus increasing variation, and shorter bandwidths have larger weights to reduce local variation of parameters. Here, we use an automated cross-validation (CV) approach to optimize weights for each model term.
# Define optimal bandwidths for GWR
bw <- bw.gwr(LWB_ADJRATE ~ avgReleasesLb_10yr
, data = dat_full
, approach = "CV"
, kernel = "gaussian"
, adaptive = TRUE
, longlat = TRUE
, dMat = DM)
Adaptive bandwidth: 749 CV score: 7413.456
Adaptive bandwidth: 471 CV score: 7386.594
Adaptive bandwidth: 297 CV score: 7378.946
Adaptive bandwidth: 192 CV score: 7343.997
Adaptive bandwidth: 124 CV score: 7320.2
Adaptive bandwidth: 85 CV score: 7307.044
Adaptive bandwidth: 58 CV score: 7317.09
Adaptive bandwidth: 99 CV score: 7319.052
Adaptive bandwidth: 73 CV score: 7303.862
Adaptive bandwidth: 69 CV score: 7311.845
Adaptive bandwidth: 79 CV score: 7302.908
Adaptive bandwidth: 79 CV score: 7302.908
Run to code chunk below to perform a basic GWR. We do this by passing
our distance matrix DM
and bandwidth bw
variables, along with dat_full
, to a GWR function
gwr.basic() and defining its output as a new variable
. We then print a summary of model
# Basic GWR
gwr_results_dat <- gwr.basic(LWB_ADJRATE ~ avgReleasesLb_10yr
, data = dat_full
, bw = bw
, dMat = DM
, kernel = "gaussian"
, adaptive = TRUE
, longlat = TRUE)
* Package GWmodel *
Program starts at: 2024-02-08 10:30:28
gwr.basic(formula = LWB_ADJRATE ~ avgReleasesLb_10yr + RPL_THEME1 +
RPL_THEME2 + RPL_THEME3 + RPL_THEME4, data = dat_full, bw = bw,
kernel = "gaussian", adaptive = TRUE, longlat = TRUE, dMat = DM)
Dependent (y) variable: LWB_ADJRATE
Independent variables: avgReleasesLb_10yr RPL_THEME1 RPL_THEME2 RPL_THEME3 RPL_THEME4
Number of data points: 1201
* Results of Global Regression *
lm(formula = formula, data = data)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-8.6963 -1.4698 -0.1622 1.2064 18.2728
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 6.195e+00 1.815e-01 34.127 < 2e-16 ***
avgReleasesLb_10yr 5.240e-06 1.218e-06 4.303 1.82e-05 ***
RPL_THEME1 3.181e+00 4.672e-01 6.810 1.54e-11 ***
RPL_THEME2 -5.813e-01 3.310e-01 -1.756 0.0793 .
RPL_THEME3 1.452e-01 3.877e-01 0.374 0.7082
RPL_THEME4 1.668e-01 2.990e-01 0.558 0.5771
---Significance stars
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 2.491 on 1195 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.1127
Adjusted R-squared: 0.109
F-statistic: 30.37 on 5 and 1195 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
***Extra Diagnostic information
Residual sum of squares: 7413.404
Sigma(hat): 2.486562
AIC: 5608.273
AICc: 5608.367
BIC: 4492.545
* Results of Geographically Weighted Regression *
*********************Model calibration information*********************
Kernel function: gaussian
Adaptive bandwidth: 79 (number of nearest neighbours)
Regression points: the same locations as observations are used.
Distance metric: A distance matrix is specified for this model calibration.
****************Summary of GWR coefficient estimates:******************
Min. 1st Qu. Median 3rd Qu. Max.
Intercept 3.9654e+00 5.8843e+00 6.2531e+00 7.1628e+00 13.6423
avgReleasesLb_10yr -1.5155e-03 -2.9393e-04 4.1393e-06 7.3558e-06 0.0004
RPL_THEME1 9.2644e-01 1.8952e+00 2.2256e+00 2.7404e+00 4.4528
RPL_THEME2 -2.1869e+00 -1.0989e+00 -7.0184e-01 -2.6987e-01 1.4044
RPL_THEME3 -2.1105e+00 3.5157e-01 7.9077e-01 1.2518e+00 2.9512
RPL_THEME4 -4.6958e-01 1.7138e-01 4.1072e-01 6.5197e-01 1.3664
************************Diagnostic information*************************
Number of data points: 1201
Effective number of parameters (2trace(S) - trace(S'S)): 57.17895
Effective degrees of freedom (n-2trace(S) + trace(S'S)): 1143.821
AICc (GWR book, Fotheringham, et al. 2002, p. 61, eq 2.33): 5581.704
AIC (GWR book, Fotheringham, et al. 2002,GWR p. 96, eq. 4.22): 5535.158
BIC (GWR book, Fotheringham, et al. 2002,GWR p. 61, eq. 2.34): 4586.145
Residual sum of squares: 6818.376
R-square value: 0.1839553
Adjusted R-square value: 0.143126
Program stops at: 2024-02-08 10:30:28
Run the chunk below to view basic model diagnostics of
[1] 6818.376
[1] 5535.158
[1] 5581.704
[1] 57.17895
[1] 1143.821
[1] 0.1839553
[1] 0.143126
[1] 4586.145
qq_gwr_results_dat <- qqPlot(gwr_results_dat$SDF$residual, main = "QQ Plot", xlab = "Normal Quantiles", ylab = "Residuals")
[1] 616 1169
Again, we see that the residuals aren’t normally distributed in the GWR model. There are still some lurking relationships.
Just like we did for the linear model, we’ll test the spatial
autocorrelation of model residuals. First, we define the neighborhood
kernel function nb
and weighting scheme
# Spatial autocorrelation of basic GWR residuals
nb <- poly2nb(gwr_results_dat$SDF, queen = TRUE) # Define neighbors for each polygon
lw <- nb2listw(nb, style = "U", zero.policy = TRUE) # Assign weights to neighbors
moran_gwr <- moran.mc(gwr_results_dat$SDF$residual
, lw
, nsim = 999
, alternative = "two.sided")
print(rbind("Moran's I statistic: " ,moran_gwr$statistic))
[1,] "Moran's I statistic: "
[2,] "0.0551949767251689"
[1,] "P-value of Moran's I statistic: "
[2,] "0"
The Moran’s \(I\) statistic of the GWR model is 0.0552 and the p-value is 0. Because the \(p-value\) is \(<0.05\), we can conclude at a 95% CI that the residuals are significantly spatially autocorrelated, meaning that there are significant spatial relationships in the data that are not reconciled by the current local model.
Similar to global linear models, GWR returns \(\beta\) coefficients for each explanatory variable. However, there are beta coefficients for each explanatory variable at each observation as defined by the model fit in the local neighborhood. A helpful way to interpret this is to look at the overall distribution of each \(\beta\).
We first reshape the coefficient data table using the melt()
function to reshape the data from wide to long format and define a new
variable melt_coefficients
. We then use GGplot2 to
draw boxplots of the distributions with geom_boxplot() and draw
a red dashed line at y=0 with geom_hline to help with our
interpretation. The plot is named p_gwr_bp
# Boxplots of coefficients
# coefficients <- data.frame(mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF[, 2:11])
coefficients <- data.frame(gwr_results_dat$SDF[, 2:6])
melt_coefficients <- reshape2::melt(coefficients)
p_gwr_bp <- ggplot(melt_coefficients, aes(x = fct_reorder(variable, value, .fun = mean), y = value))
p_gwr_bp <- p_gwr_bp + geom_boxplot()
p_gwr_bp <- p_gwr_bp + labs(x = "", y = "Coefficient") + ggtitle("Boxplots of GWR Coefficients")
p_gwr_bp <- p_gwr_bp + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 40, hjust = 1))
p_gwr_bp <- p_gwr_bp + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "red")
Generally, group means >0 suggest a positive relationship between
the explanatory variable and outcome and vice versa. Sometimes \(\beta\) coefficients are both positive and
negative – this can make interpretation difficult, requiring deeper
interrogation of how local relationships play out. In the plots above,
we see that avgReleasesLb_10yr
Next, we will map
these coefficients to see where this is occurring.
Run the code chunk below to generate maps. The code will generate a
map of the census tracts of Colorado colored by the \(\beta\) coefficients of each explanatory
variable in gwr_results_dat
. We further shade each census
tract where the observation is insignificant at a 95% CI based on the
local \(T\) value.
We do this by creating a series of sub-plots, using a custom plotting
function plot.gwr.coefs. We pass MGWR results for each variable
to this function, generating a sub-plot that we define as its own
variable p1_gwr
- p6_gwr
. Next, we pass these
sub-plot variables to a plot arrangement function tmap_arrange
that will organize the sub-plots into a neat, combined plot. We define
this combined plot as p_gwr
. Note: depending on your
computer, the maps may take a while to generate.
# Map coefficients
p1_gwr <- plot.gwr.coefs(gwr_results_dat$SDF, "Intercept", gwr_results_dat$SDF$Intercept_TV)
p2_gwr <- plot.gwr.coefs(gwr_results_dat$SDF, "avgReleasesLb_10yr", gwr_results_dat$SDF$avgReleasesLb_10yr_TV)
p3_gwr <- plot.gwr.coefs(gwr_results_dat$SDF, "RPL_THEME1", gwr_results_dat$SDF$RPL_THEME1_TV)
p4_gwr <- plot.gwr.coefs(gwr_results_dat$SDF, "RPL_THEME2", gwr_results_dat$SDF$RPL_THEME2_TV)
p5_gwr <- plot.gwr.coefs(gwr_results_dat$SDF, "RPL_THEME3", gwr_results_dat$SDF$RPL_THEME3_TV)
p6_gwr <- plot.gwr.coefs(gwr_results_dat$SDF, "RPL_THEME4", gwr_results_dat$SDF$RPL_THEME4_TV)
p_gwr <- tmap_arrange(p1_gwr
, p2_gwr
, p3_gwr
, p4_gwr
, p5_gwr
, p6_gwr
, ncol = 2)
In the maps above, we see that
significant (95% CI) and positive (though only slightly) across most of
the state, but that it is consistently insignificant throughout the
central portion of Colorado where most of the population is concentrated
and where census tracts tend to be considerably smaller. What other
explanatory variables might help improve these results?
Another important output from GWR models is the local \(R^2\) – the \(R^2\) value at every observation.
# Plot local R2
p_gwr <- tm_shape(gwr_results_dat$SDF) +
tm_polygons("Local_R2", palette = "RdYlBu", title = "Local R2") +
tm_layout(legend.position = c("right", "bottom"),
legend.outside = TRUE
In the map above, we see that the predictive power of the GWR model is
spatially heterogeneous, with the strongest predictive power in census
tracts throughout the south-central portion of Colorado. Further, we see
that the model is poorly specified in most census tracts along the
eastern portion of the state. Beyond including spatial relationships as
model dependencies, GWR can also help us identify specific locations or
regions where our models fail to predict outcomes, possibly narrowing
our search for other potential covariates.
Congratulations! You have made it to the last step of the workshop. So far, you have:
The main takeaway from this workshop is that there are sophisticated techniques for exploring the inherently spatial nature of environmental exposures and health outcomes. With some minimal data formatting, you should be able to modify the code contained here to explore these types of relationships in your own research.
When you run the last code chunk below you will see that the overall predictive power of the local regression (GWR) is better than the global linear model – this is apparent when comparing the \(R^2\) and adjusted \(R^2\) values. Also, the GWR model strength is better, as is shown by lower \(AIC\) and \(BIC\) values. However, we haven’t accounted for spatial autocorrelation, as you can see in the row for Moran’s \(I\) and the associated \(p\)-value.
This is a crucial takeaway: spatial regression models don’t automatically resolve lurking spatial relationships, but they do account for some portion of them. Aside from identifying more variables to explain the spatial nature of exposure-outcome models, recall that there are other approaches like spatial autoregressive (SAR) models, which introduce spatial lag or spatial error terms to the regression. It’s worth noting that SAR models are inherently global because they cannot spatially locate outliers.
# Data frame for summary table
table_data <- data.frame(
Metric = c("R2", "Adj. R2", "AIC", "BIC", "Moran's I (p-value)"),
LM = c(summary(lm_full)$r.squared %>% signif(3)
, summary(lm_full)$adj.r.squared %>% signif(3)
, AIC(lm_full) %>% signif(7)
, BIC(lm_full) %>% signif(7)
, paste0(moran_lm$statistic %>% signif(3), " (", moran_lm$p.value %>% signif(3), ")")),
GWR = c(gwr_results_dat$GW.diagnostic$gw.R2 %>% signif(3)
, gwr_results_dat$GW.diagnostic$gwR2.adj %>% signif(3)
, gwr_results_dat$GW.diagnostic$AIC %>% signif(7)
, gwr_results_dat$GW.diagnostic$BIC %>% signif(7)
, paste0(moran_gwr$statistic %>% signif(3), " (", moran_gwr$p.value %>% signif(3), ")"))
# Print the table
knitr::kable(table_data, format = "markdown")
Metric | LM | GWR |
R2 | 0.113 | 0.184 |
Adj. R2 | 0.109 | 0.143 |
AIC | 5608.273 | 5535.158 |
BIC | 5643.909 | 4586.145 |
Moran’s I (p-value) | 0.108 (0) | 0.0552 (0) |
If you have time, consider running the remaining code to conduct a multiscale GWR. As long as everything before this point has been run, the MGWR will work with all of the data and objects in the current R environment.
Run the below code chunk to perform a multiscale geographically weighted regression (MGWR). The model is set up the same was as the GWR, using the gwr.multiscale() function. The major difference here is that we do not pre-define a distance matrix and bandwidth. The MGWR does this automatically, optimizing distance and bandwidth based on scalar relationships in the data. To do this, MGWR runs though many iterations, eventually discovering an optimized model based on a criterion. This is very computationally intensive and can take several hours to run depending on the data and number of iterations you specify. For the purposes of this workshop, we will only do 1 iteration. Running more iterations allows the model to converge on a pre-specified criterion - here we use the changing values of the residual sum of squares (CVR) backfitting procedure to reach convergence.
To see what an optimized model looks like, refer to the HTML document in which the model was run with a maximum of 100 iterations. If you happen to have a powerful laptop, try running this step again after you complete the workshop with more iterations to see how the model improves. This will take a at least a couple of hours with the current dataset.
Note: even when using 1 iteration, the model can take several minutes to run. Start the code chunk below and sit back. If it takes to long, do not fret! Feel free to follow along with us for the final steps and reference to pdf
# Multiscale geographically weighted regression
# Documentation: https://search.r-project.org/CRAN/refmans/GWmodel/html/gwr.multiscale.html
mgwr_results_dat_full <- gwr.multiscale(LWB_ADJRATE ~ avgReleasesLb_10yr
, data = dat_full
, max.iterations = 100 # Set max iterations higher to optimize model - it's at 2 now to minimize computational burden
, kernel = "gaussian" # wgt = exp(-.5*(vdist/bw)^2);
# , kernel = "exponential" # wgt = exp(-vdist/bw);
# , kernel = "bisquare" # wgt = (1-(vdist/bw)^2)^2 if vdist < bw, wgt=0 otherwise;
# , kernel = "tricube" # wgt = (1-(vdist/bw)^3)^3 if vdist < bw, wgt=0 otherwise;
# , kernel = "boxcar" # wgt=1 if dist < bw, wgt=0 otherwise
, adaptive = TRUE
, criterion = "CVR"
------ Calculate the initial bandwidths for each independent variable ------
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the model: LWB_ADJRATE~1
[1] "bws0[i]<-bw.gwr(LWB_ADJRATE~1,data=regression.points,kernel=kernel,approach=approach,adaptive=adaptive,dMat=dMats[[var.dMat.indx[i]]], parallel.method=parallel.method,parallel.arg=parallel.arg)"
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 749 AICc value: 5725.029
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 471 AICc value: 5719.045
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 297 AICc value: 5712.573
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 192 AICc value: 5697.876
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 124 AICc value: 5681.93
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 85 AICc value: 5673.174
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 58 AICc value: 5660.343
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 44 AICc value: 5645.808
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 32 AICc value: 5640.273
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 28 AICc value: 5638.047
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 22 AICc value: 5634.44
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 22 AICc value: 5634.44
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the model: LWB_ADJRATE~avgReleasesLb_10yr
[1] "bws0[i]<-bw.gwr(LWB_ADJRATE~avgReleasesLb_10yr,data=regression.points,kernel=kernel,approach=approach,adaptive=adaptive,dMat=dMats[[var.dMat.indx[i]]], parallel.method=parallel.method,parallel.arg=parallel.arg)"
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 749 AICc value: 5714.007
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 471 AICc value: 5708.703
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 297 AICc value: 5703.638
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 192 AICc value: 5692.62
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 124 AICc value: 5680.436
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 85 AICc value: 5671.101
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 58 AICc value: 5657.442
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 44 AICc value: 5646.502
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 32 AICc value: 5641.187
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 28 AICc value: 5639.247
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 22 AICc value: 5635.307
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 22 AICc value: 5635.307
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the model: LWB_ADJRATE~RPL_THEME1
[1] "bws0[i]<-bw.gwr(LWB_ADJRATE~RPL_THEME1,data=regression.points,kernel=kernel,approach=approach,adaptive=adaptive,dMat=dMats[[var.dMat.indx[i]]], parallel.method=parallel.method,parallel.arg=parallel.arg)"
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 749 AICc value: 5606.055
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 471 AICc value: 5602.52
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 297 AICc value: 5599.378
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 192 AICc value: 5592.723
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 124 AICc value: 5588.039
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 85 AICc value: 5583.093
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 58 AICc value: 5570.616
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 44 AICc value: 5563.951
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 32 AICc value: 5565.543
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 48 AICc value: 5563.519
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 54 AICc value: 5568.482
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 48 AICc value: 5563.519
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the model: LWB_ADJRATE~RPL_THEME2
[1] "bws0[i]<-bw.gwr(LWB_ADJRATE~RPL_THEME2,data=regression.points,kernel=kernel,approach=approach,adaptive=adaptive,dMat=dMats[[var.dMat.indx[i]]], parallel.method=parallel.method,parallel.arg=parallel.arg)"
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 749 AICc value: 5694.799
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 471 AICc value: 5687.316
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 297 AICc value: 5680.086
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 192 AICc value: 5669.326
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 124 AICc value: 5660.7
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 85 AICc value: 5652.042
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 58 AICc value: 5643.764
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 44 AICc value: 5642.186
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 32 AICc value: 5643.137
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 48 AICc value: 5642.4
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 38 AICc value: 5642.996
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 44 AICc value: 5642.186
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the model: LWB_ADJRATE~RPL_THEME3
[1] "bws0[i]<-bw.gwr(LWB_ADJRATE~RPL_THEME3,data=regression.points,kernel=kernel,approach=approach,adaptive=adaptive,dMat=dMats[[var.dMat.indx[i]]], parallel.method=parallel.method,parallel.arg=parallel.arg)"
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 749 AICc value: 5673.152
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 471 AICc value: 5665.005
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 297 AICc value: 5661.156
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 192 AICc value: 5646.028
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 124 AICc value: 5631.212
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 85 AICc value: 5627.872
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 58 AICc value: 5619.362
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 44 AICc value: 5614.68
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 32 AICc value: 5612.499
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 28 AICc value: 5612.058
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 22 AICc value: 5612.188
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 28 AICc value: 5612.058
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the model: LWB_ADJRATE~RPL_THEME4
[1] "bws0[i]<-bw.gwr(LWB_ADJRATE~RPL_THEME4,data=regression.points,kernel=kernel,approach=approach,adaptive=adaptive,dMat=dMats[[var.dMat.indx[i]]], parallel.method=parallel.method,parallel.arg=parallel.arg)"
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 749 AICc value: 5672.334
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 471 AICc value: 5667.349
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 297 AICc value: 5662.794
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 192 AICc value: 5649.303
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 124 AICc value: 5637.043
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 85 AICc value: 5632.113
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 58 AICc value: 5624.241
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 44 AICc value: 5619.521
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 32 AICc value: 5619.662
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 48 AICc value: 5620.12
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 38 AICc value: 5620.974
Adaptive bandwidth (number of nearest neighbours): 44 AICc value: 5619.521
------ The end for the initial selections ------
------ Calculate the initial beta0 from the above bandwidths ------
------ The end for calculating the initial beta0 ------
------ Select the optimum bandwidths for each independent variable via AIC aproach ------
***** The back-fitting process for model calibration with bandwiths selected *****
Iteration 1 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 8
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 22 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 14
The bandwidth for variable Intercept will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 13
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 22 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 9
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 136
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 48 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 88
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 198
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 44 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 154
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME3
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 is: 137
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 28 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 109
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME4
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 is: 914
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 44 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 870
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Ieration 0 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 1044.668
----------End of Iteration 1 ----------
Iteration 2 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 8
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 8 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable Intercept seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 17
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 13 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 4
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 153
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 136 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 17
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 224
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 198 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 26
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME3
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 is: 80
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 137 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 57
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME4
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 is: 914
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 914 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Ieration 1 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 25.09831
----------End of Iteration 2 ----------
Iteration 3 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 12
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 8 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 4
The bandwidth for variable Intercept will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 17
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 17 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 771
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 153 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 618
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 704
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 224 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 480
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME3
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 is: 61
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 80 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 19
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME4
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 is: 914
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 914 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Ieration 2 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 300.474
----------End of Iteration 3 ----------
Iteration 4 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 13
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 12 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 1
The bandwidth for variable Intercept will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 17
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 17 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1053
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 771 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 282
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 752
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 704 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 48
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME3
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 is: 61
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 61 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME4
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 is: 914
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 914 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 seems to be converged for 3 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 2 times
Ieration 3 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 35.66697
----------End of Iteration 4 ----------
Iteration 5 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 13
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 13 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable Intercept seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 22
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 17 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 5
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1053
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1053 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 1161
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 752 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 409
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME3
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 is: 62
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 61 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 1
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME4
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 is: 914
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 914 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 seems to be converged for 4 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 1 times
Ieration 4 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 95.35455
----------End of Iteration 5 ----------
Iteration 6 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 13
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 13 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable Intercept seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 25
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 22 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 3
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 986
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1053 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 67
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 1161
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1161 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME3
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 is: 62
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 62 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME4
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 is: 840
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 914 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 74
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Ieration 5 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 26.78918
----------End of Iteration 6 ----------
Iteration 7 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 13
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 13 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable Intercept seems to be converged for 3 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 2 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 30
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 25 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 5
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 986
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 986 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 1161
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1161 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME3
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 is: 62
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 62 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME4
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 is: 840
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 840 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Ieration 6 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 44.39831
----------End of Iteration 7 ----------
Iteration 8 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 12
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 13 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 1
The bandwidth for variable Intercept will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 39
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 30 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 9
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1053
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 986 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 67
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 1161
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1161 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged for 3 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 2 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME3
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 is: 62
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 62 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 seems to be converged for 3 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 2 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME4
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 is: 825
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 840 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 15
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Ieration 7 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 11.07012
----------End of Iteration 8 ----------
Iteration 9 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 8
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 12 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 4
The bandwidth for variable Intercept will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 40
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 39 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 1
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1183
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1053 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 130
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1161 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 38
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME3
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 is: 62
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 62 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 seems to be converged for 4 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 1 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME4
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 is: 825
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 825 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Ieration 8 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 414.266
----------End of Iteration 9 ----------
Iteration 10 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 8
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 8 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable Intercept seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 42
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 40 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 2
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1183
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1183 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1199 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME3
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 is: 62
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 62 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME3 seems to be converged and will be kept the same in the following ierations.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME4
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 is: 825
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 825 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Ieration 9 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 1.452238
----------End of Iteration 10 ----------
Iteration 11 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 8
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 8 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable Intercept seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 42
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 42 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1171
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1183 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 12
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1199 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME4
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 is: 825
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 825 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 seems to be converged for 3 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 2 times
Ieration 10 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.6440912
----------End of Iteration 11 ----------
Iteration 12 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 8
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 8 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable Intercept seems to be converged for 3 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 2 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 42
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 42 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1171
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1171 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1199 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged for 3 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 2 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME4
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 is: 825
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 825 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 seems to be converged for 4 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 1 times
Ieration 11 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.6851802
----------End of Iteration 12 ----------
Iteration 13 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 8
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 8 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable Intercept seems to be converged for 4 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 1 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 42
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 42 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr seems to be converged for 3 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 2 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1169
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1171 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 2
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1199 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged for 4 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 1 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME4
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 is: 825
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 825 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME4 seems to be converged and will be kept the same in the following ierations.
Ieration 12 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.5809646
----------End of Iteration 13 ----------
Iteration 14 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: Intercept
The newly selected bandwidth for variable Intercept is: 8
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 8 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable Intercept seems to be converged and will be kept the same in the following ierations.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 75
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 42 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 33
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 920
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1169 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 249
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 893
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1199 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 306
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Ieration 13 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 163.943
----------End of Iteration 14 ----------
Iteration 15 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 83
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 75 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 8
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1170
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 920 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 250
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 893 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 306
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Ieration 14 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 144.8679
----------End of Iteration 15 ----------
Iteration 16 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 135
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 83 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 52
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1170
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1170 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1199 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Ieration 15 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 2.897891
----------End of Iteration 16 ----------
Iteration 17 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 145
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 135 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 10
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1170
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1170 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1199 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Ieration 16 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 19.10172
----------End of Iteration 17 ----------
Iteration 18 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 163
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 145 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 18
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1170
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1170 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 3 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 2 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 704
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1199 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 495
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Ieration 17 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 16.888
----------End of Iteration 18 ----------
Iteration 19 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 188
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 163 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 25
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1170
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1170 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 4 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 1 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 704
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 704 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Ieration 18 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 9.3562
----------End of Iteration 19 ----------
Iteration 20 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 436
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 188 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 248
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1171
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1170 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 1
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 704
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 704 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Ieration 19 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 2.514543
----------End of Iteration 20 ----------
Iteration 21 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 550
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 436 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 114
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1171
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1171 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 704
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 704 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged for 3 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 2 times
Ieration 20 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 10.93157
----------End of Iteration 21 ----------
Iteration 22 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 628
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 550 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 78
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1171
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1171 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 704
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 704 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged for 4 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 1 times
Ieration 21 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 4.207404
----------End of Iteration 22 ----------
Iteration 23 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 1165
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 628 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 537
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1171
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1171 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 3 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 2 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME2
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 is: 704
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 704 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME2 seems to be converged and will be kept the same in the following ierations.
Ieration 22 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 2.909454
----------End of Iteration 23 ----------
Iteration 24 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 1169
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1165 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 4
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1171
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1171 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 4 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 1 times
Ieration 23 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 13.10225
----------End of Iteration 24 ----------
Iteration 25 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 1169
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1169 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1170
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1171 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 1
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Ieration 24 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 7.171152
----------End of Iteration 25 ----------
Iteration 26 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 1169
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1169 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1185
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1170 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 15
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Ieration 25 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 5.190688
----------End of Iteration 26 ----------
Iteration 27 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 1169
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1169 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr seems to be converged for 3 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 2 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1185 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 14
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 will be continually selected in the next ieration.
Ieration 26 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 4.005277
----------End of Iteration 27 ----------
Iteration 28 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 1169
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1169 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr seems to be converged for 4 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 1 times
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1199 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 1 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 4 times
Ieration 27 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 3.207951
----------End of Iteration 28 ----------
Iteration 29 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: avgReleasesLb_10yr
The newly selected bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr is: 1169
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1169 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable avgReleasesLb_10yr seems to be converged and will be kept the same in the following ierations.
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1199 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 2 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 3 times
Ieration 28 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 2.552363
----------End of Iteration 29 ----------
Iteration 30 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1199 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 3 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 2 times
Ieration 29 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 2.040908
----------End of Iteration 30 ----------
Iteration 31 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1199 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged for 4 times.It will be continually optimized in the next 1 times
Ieration 30 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 1.630826
----------End of Iteration 31 ----------
Iteration 32 :
Now select an optimum bandwidth for the variable: RPL_THEME1
The newly selected bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 is: 1199
The bandwidth used in the last ieration is: 1199 and the difference between these two bandwidths is: 0
The bandwidth for variable RPL_THEME1 seems to be converged and will be kept the same in the following ierations.
Ieration 31 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 1.301396
----------End of Iteration 32 ----------
Iteration 33 :
Ieration 32 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 1.036606
----------End of Iteration 33 ----------
Iteration 34 :
Ieration 33 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.8239163
----------End of Iteration 34 ----------
Iteration 35 :
Ieration 34 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.6533516
----------End of Iteration 35 ----------
Iteration 36 :
Ieration 35 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.5168647
----------End of Iteration 36 ----------
Iteration 37 :
Ieration 36 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.4079134
----------End of Iteration 37 ----------
Iteration 38 :
Ieration 37 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.3211661
----------End of Iteration 38 ----------
Iteration 39 :
Ieration 38 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.252279
----------End of Iteration 39 ----------
Iteration 40 :
Ieration 39 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.1977193
----------End of Iteration 40 ----------
Iteration 41 :
Ieration 40 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.1546202
----------End of Iteration 41 ----------
Iteration 42 :
Ieration 41 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.120662
----------End of Iteration 42 ----------
Iteration 43 :
Ieration 42 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.093973
----------End of Iteration 43 ----------
Iteration 44 :
Ieration 43 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.07304801
----------End of Iteration 44 ----------
Iteration 45 :
Ieration 44 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.05668032
----------End of Iteration 45 ----------
Iteration 46 :
Ieration 45 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.04390575
----------End of Iteration 46 ----------
Iteration 47 :
Ieration 46 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.03395647
----------End of Iteration 47 ----------
Iteration 48 :
Ieration 47 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.02622293
----------End of Iteration 48 ----------
Iteration 49 :
Ieration 48 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.02022285
----------End of Iteration 49 ----------
Iteration 50 :
Ieration 49 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.01557573
----------End of Iteration 50 ----------
Iteration 51 :
Ieration 50 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.01198232
----------End of Iteration 51 ----------
Iteration 52 :
Ieration 51 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.00920784
----------End of Iteration 52 ----------
Iteration 53 :
Ieration 52 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.007068641
----------End of Iteration 53 ----------
Iteration 54 :
Ieration 53 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.005421373
----------End of Iteration 54 ----------
Iteration 55 :
Ieration 54 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.004154414
----------End of Iteration 55 ----------
Iteration 56 :
Ieration 55 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.003181024
----------End of Iteration 56 ----------
Iteration 57 :
Ieration 56 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.00243393
----------End of Iteration 57 ----------
Iteration 58 :
Ieration 57 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.001861052
----------End of Iteration 58 ----------
Iteration 59 :
Ieration 58 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.001422138
----------End of Iteration 59 ----------
Iteration 60 :
Ieration 59 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.001086124
----------End of Iteration 60 ----------
Iteration 61 :
Ieration 60 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.0008290693
----------End of Iteration 61 ----------
Iteration 62 :
Ieration 61 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.0006325499
----------End of Iteration 62 ----------
Iteration 63 :
Ieration 62 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.0004824007
----------End of Iteration 63 ----------
Iteration 64 :
Ieration 63 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.0003677439
----------End of Iteration 64 ----------
Iteration 65 :
Ieration 64 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.0002802346
----------End of Iteration 65 ----------
Iteration 66 :
Ieration 65 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.0002134763
----------End of Iteration 66 ----------
Iteration 67 :
Ieration 66 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.0001625702
----------End of Iteration 67 ----------
Iteration 68 :
Ieration 67 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 0.0001237676
----------End of Iteration 68 ----------
Iteration 69 :
Ieration 68 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 9.420141e-05
----------End of Iteration 69 ----------
Iteration 70 :
Ieration 69 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 7.16806e-05
----------End of Iteration 70 ----------
Iteration 71 :
Ieration 70 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 5.453157e-05
----------End of Iteration 71 ----------
Iteration 72 :
Ieration 71 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 4.147672e-05
----------End of Iteration 72 ----------
Iteration 73 :
Ieration 72 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 3.154118e-05
----------End of Iteration 73 ----------
Iteration 74 :
Ieration 73 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 2.398143e-05
----------End of Iteration 74 ----------
Iteration 75 :
Ieration 74 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 1.823065e-05
----------End of Iteration 75 ----------
Iteration 76 :
Ieration 75 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 1.385684e-05
----------End of Iteration 76 ----------
Iteration 77 :
Ieration 76 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 1.053093e-05
----------End of Iteration 77 ----------
Iteration 78 :
Ieration 77 the change value of RSS (CVR) is: 8.002291e-06
----------End of Iteration 78 ----------
* Package GWmodel *
Program starts at: 2024-02-08 10:31:12
gwr.multiscale(formula = LWB_ADJRATE ~ avgReleasesLb_10yr + RPL_THEME1 +
RPL_THEME2 + RPL_THEME3 + RPL_THEME4, data = dat_full, kernel = "gaussian",
adaptive = TRUE, criterion = "CVR", max.iterations = 100)
Dependent (y) variable: LWB_ADJRATE
Independent variables: avgReleasesLb_10yr RPL_THEME1 RPL_THEME2 RPL_THEME3 RPL_THEME4
Number of data points: 1201
* Multiscale (PSDM) GWR *
*********************Model calibration information*********************
Kernel function: gaussian
Adaptive bandwidths for each coefficient(number of nearest neighbours):
(Intercept) avgReleasesLb_10yr RPL_THEME1 RPL_THEME2 RPL_THEME3
Bandwidth 8 1169 1199 704 62
Bandwidth 825
****************Summary of GWR coefficient estimates:******************
Min. 1st Qu. Median 3rd Qu. Max.
Intercept 3.9710e+00 5.5621e+00 5.9782e+00 6.4321e+00 8.9851
avgReleasesLb_10yr 5.7265e-06 5.7625e-06 5.7696e-06 5.7771e-06 0.0000
RPL_THEME1 1.7748e+00 1.7838e+00 1.7852e+00 1.7871e+00 1.8214
RPL_THEME2 -7.7698e-01 -6.5931e-01 -5.9442e-01 -5.4237e-01 -0.4502
RPL_THEME3 -8.1529e-01 6.4827e-01 1.0354e+00 1.9569e+00 3.0699
RPL_THEME4 1.3442e-01 1.5356e-01 1.8017e-01 2.9316e-01 0.3827
************************Diagnostic information*************************
Number of data points: 1201
Effective number of parameters (2trace(S) - trace(S'S)): 135.1907
Effective degrees of freedom (n-2trace(S) + trace(S'S)): 1065.809
AICc value: 5549.641
AIC value: 5434.845
BIC value: 4816.611
Residual sum of squares: 5994.719
R-square value: 0.2825332
Adjusted R-square value: 0.191442
Program stops at: 2024-02-08 12:03:46
[1] 5994.719
[1] 5549.641
[1] 5434.845
[1] 4816.611
[1] 0.2825332
[1] 0.191442
[1] 1065.809
[1] 135.1907
qq_gwr_results_dat <- qqPlot(mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF$residual, main = "QQ Plot", xlab = "Normal Quantiles", ylab = "Residuals")
[1] 616 1169
What do you see in the model residuals? What does it mean if they’re not normally distributed?
# Spatial autocorrelation of MGWR residuals
nb <- poly2nb(mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF, queen = TRUE) # Define neighbors for each polygon
lw <- nb2listw(nb, style = "U", zero.policy = TRUE) # Assign weights to neighbors
moran_mgwr <- moran.mc(mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF$residual
, lw
, nsim = 999
, alternative = "two.sided")
print(rbind("Moran's I statistic: " ,moran_mgwr$statistic))
[1,] "Moran's I statistic: "
[2,] "-0.0336094432057346"
[1,] "P-value of Moran's I statistic: "
[2,] "0.042"
The Moran’s \(I\) statistic of the multiscale GWR model is -0.0336 and the p-value is 0.042. Because the \(p-value\) is \(>0.05\), we can conclude at a 99% CI that the residuals are not significantly spatially autocorrelated, meaning that the model is correctly specified in terms of lurking spatial relationships.
Exactly as with GWR models, MGWR returns \(\beta\) coefficients for each explanatory
variable. Run the code chunk below to plot boxplots of MGWR
coefficients, p_mgwr_bp
# Boxplots of coefficients
# coefficients <- data.frame(mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF[, 2:11])
coefficients <- data.frame(mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF[, 2:6])
melt_coefficients <- reshape2::melt(coefficients)
p_mgwr_bp <- ggplot(melt_coefficients, aes(x = fct_reorder(variable, value, .fun = mean), y = value))
p_mgwr_bp <- p_mgwr_bp + geom_boxplot()
p_mgwr_bp <- p_mgwr_bp + labs(x = "", y = "Coefficient") + ggtitle("Boxplots of MGWR Coefficients")
p_mgwr_bp <- p_mgwr_bp + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 40, hjust = 1))
p_mgwr_bp <- p_mgwr_bp + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "red")
In the plots above, we see that RPL_THEME1
(to an extent) are both positive and negative.
Again, we will map these coefficients to see where this is
\(\textbf{A note on MGWR
iterations:}\) In the HTML document you will see that we ran the
MGWR with a maximum of 100 iterations in hopes that the model will
converge using the CVR backfitting criterion. Even though it doesn’t
converge with this adjustment, we do see different results for multiple
model diagnostics, holding everything else constant. Most notably, \(\beta\) coefficients for
are now solidly positive. While you can make
meaningful inference about model strength with one or a few iterations,
it’s good practice to let the model approach convergence.
Run the code chunk below to generate maps of MGWR \(\beta\) coefficients. Note: depending on your computer, the maps may take a while to generate.
# Map coefficients
p1_mgwr <- plot.gwr.coefs(mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF, "Intercept", mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF$Intercept_TV)
p2_mgwr <- plot.gwr.coefs(mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF, "avgReleasesLb_10yr", mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF$avgReleasesLb_10yr_TV)
p3_mgwr <- plot.gwr.coefs(mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF, "RPL_THEME1", mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF$RPL_THEME1_TV)
p4_mgwr <- plot.gwr.coefs(mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF, "RPL_THEME2", mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF$RPL_THEME2_TV)
p5_mgwr <- plot.gwr.coefs(mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF, "RPL_THEME3", mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF$RPL_THEME3_TV)
p6_mgwr <- plot.gwr.coefs(mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF, "RPL_THEME4", mgwr_results_dat_full$SDF$RPL_THEME4_TV)
p_mgwr <- tmap_arrange(p1_mgwr
, p2_mgwr
, p3_mgwr
, p4_mgwr
, p5_mgwr
, p6_mgwr
, ncol = 2)
In the map above, we see that the main exposure variable,
is only significant in about half of the
census tracts, and that the linear relationship between it and
is generally quite small, albeit positive. This
suggests that while the model is generally well-specified, future work
ought to explore more influential exposure variables on LWB.
Finally, let’s compare selected diagnostics across all three models:
# Data frame for summary table
table_data <- data.frame(
Metric = c("R2", "Adj. R2", "AIC", "BIC", "Moran's I (p-value)"),
LM = c(summary(lm_full)$r.squared %>% signif(3)
, summary(lm_full)$adj.r.squared %>% signif(3)
, AIC(lm_full) %>% signif(7)
, BIC(lm_full) %>% signif(7)
, paste0(moran_lm$statistic %>% signif(3), " (", moran_lm$p.value %>% signif(3), ")")),
GWR = c(gwr_results_dat$GW.diagnostic$gw.R2 %>% signif(3)
, gwr_results_dat$GW.diagnostic$gwR2.adj %>% signif(3)
, gwr_results_dat$GW.diagnostic$AIC %>% signif(7)
, gwr_results_dat$GW.diagnostic$BIC %>% signif(7)
, paste0(moran_gwr$statistic %>% signif(3), " (", moran_gwr$p.value %>% signif(3), ")")),
MGWR = c(mgwr_results_dat_full$GW.diagnostic$R2.val %>% signif(3)
, mgwr_results_dat_full$GW.diagnostic$R2adj %>% signif(3)
, mgwr_results_dat_full$GW.diagnostic$AIC %>% signif(7)
, mgwr_results_dat_full$GW.diagnostic$BIC %>% signif(7)
, paste0(moran_mgwr$statistic %>% signif(3), " (", moran_mgwr$p.value %>% signif(3), ")"))
# Print the table
knitr::kable(table_data, format = "markdown")
Metric | LM | GWR | MGWR |
R2 | 0.113 | 0.184 | 0.283 |
Adj. R2 | 0.109 | 0.143 | 0.191 |
AIC | 5608.273 | 5535.158 | 5434.845 |
BIC | 5643.909 | 4586.145 | 4816.611 |
Moran’s I (p-value) | 0.108 (0) | 0.0552 (0) | -0.0336 (0.042) |
This workshop is supported by the UNM Center for Native Environmental Health Equity Research – A Center of Excellence In Environmental Health Disparities Research (P50MD015706). Additional support comes from the University of New Mexico METALS Superfund Research Program (1P42ES025589) and the New Mexico Integrative Science Program Incorporating Research in Environmental Sciences (NM-INSPIRES) Center at the University of New Mexico (1P30ES032755). The material presented here has not been formally reviewed by the funding agencies. The views expressed herein are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the agencies.
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